Generally, a database is a data which is usually related with the computerized software that is designed mainly to update, query and to obtain contents of the data stored within the system. It provides the users with easy access to the information as well as helps the users to extract the important and needed information. There are many databases available for various aspects of search. HumanCyc database is one of the database which is being used to obtain informations about the human genome.
Figure 1: The image shows the homepage of the HumanCyc database where a gene, protein, metabolite or pathway can be entered on right top in the search menu. |
The image above shows the HumanCyc database homepage. Generally, HumanCyc database is a Bioinformatics database which describes human metabolic pathways and the human genome. This provides the user with an extended dimension for the analysis of Homo sapiens based on genomic level by presenting metabolic pathways as an organizing framework for the human genome. This computational pathway analysis allows users to understand the analysis of the human genome assigned human enzymes to assumed metabolic pathways.
This database encloses complete genome sequence of Homo sapiens. Furthermore, data about the human genome from Ensembl, LocusLink and GenBank were all combined or merged carefully so that a minimally redundant human gene set is created which is to be served as an input to SRI's Pathologic software. This software generates the database and predicted Homo sapiens metabolic pathways from functional information contained in the genome's annotation.
Moreover, the resulting pathway and genome database (PGDB) includes information on 28,783 genes, the metabolic reactions and pathways they catalyze. For instance, pyruvate in inserted in the Quick Search box at the upper right to analyze the metabolic pathways and the data. The picture below shows the results for the search.
Figure 2: The image above shows the results for pyruvate in terms of pathways and proteins. |
Figure 3: The image above shows the analysis of pyruvate in terms of protein. |
Figure 4: The image above shows the results for pyruvate that is entered in the HumanCyc database in terms of Gene Ontology. |
Figure 5: The image above shows the analysis of pyruvate that is obtained from the HumanCyc database in terms of compounds and reactions. |
The images above shows the results which are are obtained from the search using the HumanCyc Database. The results are shows in terms of pathways, proteins, gene ontology (biological process, molecular function, cellular component), compounds, reactions and EC numbers. By providing results or analysis for the search that is entered by the users, HumanCyc allows the users to understand and learn more on the human genome and metabolic pathways.
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